Tom Gabb: Third wave bartending

First and foremost, bartending is exciting because of how multifaceted it is, no two days are the same. On any given night, the bearded chap you see mixing your drinks may be an entertainer, a single serving best friend or even a pseudo therapist.
However, in a world where we are taking drinks a little more seriously, the most exciting for aspect of work for career barkeeps is one that may be less obvious to those on the other side of the bar. It comes from being a part of a trade that has a rich history and for that matter a rich future. This is where the concept of third wave bartending comes in, a term that I believe deserves some explaining.
In the industry’s first wave it was uncomplicated, the states hadn’t experienced prohibition and the perfect drink usually consisted of only three ingredients. Some of the most innocently cherished cocktails were developed: the Negroni, Martini and the Manhattan.
Refined, thoughtful and quality drinks are now the rage
Next came the flashy decadence of adolescence, second wave bartending. A period solidified in the ‘80s and ‘90s where cocktail names were inexplicably overly sexualised, the delightfully titled Slippery Nipple and Sex On The Beach being examples.
Finally, the third wave, the here and now, early adulthood. Our current on trade is characterised by taking all this history and experience and (excuse the pun) distilling it in to the best possible product. Luminous Pornstar Martinis are still my top seller but refined, thoughtful and quality drinks are now the rage.
Overall spending on alcohol is down yes, but the market for premium brands is continuously expanding. This is what makes the job exciting, riding the third wave and looking for the fourth. So, next time you go out in Brighton, go armed with this knowledge and chat with your bartenders, we’re a delightful bunch.
Tom is a bartender at Drakes Brighton, and a finalist in the Black Cow Vodka Gold Top Cup,