Louis Michael: Fashion and aesthetic, on my own terms

Self expression is vital to us. It allows us to communicate our individuality and share the thoughts and beliefs unique to us. This is true for any kind of self expression, be it the words that come out of our mouths, the creations we make with our minds, or the clothes we wear on our bodies.

Recently I’ve been struggling with the idea that my clothes do not accurately represent me. On the one hand I convince myself that clothing and shoes and accessories and everything in that sphere is a pursuit of vanity and not important in the grander scheme of things. However, on the other hand, as I explained before, clothes are a cornerstone of self expression: using clothes one is able to express themselves visually.

In this age of anonymity, in an ever growing population, visual expression is more important than ever. As communication between strangers continues to dwindle, clothes tell a story that is free to be read by any passerby, allowing you to properly communicate who you are and what you are about without having to stop every stranger on the street to tell them your life story.

I began to feel as if wearing clothes I didn’t feel properly represented me felt as if I was wearing the wrong skin. It seems to me that those people whose style was clean-cut and unique are the stars of the show, and those who lack any specific aesthetic are the extras, blending into the background because they have nothing to say. I know I have something to say, I just don’t know how!

So I’ve decided to dedicate a little more time, energy and money to the world of fashion and aesthetic. But I’m doing it on my own terms. This won’t be a pursuit of vanity, hopefully it will be the building blocks for newfound confidence in the way I express myself, and a way of breaking out of our conformist culture. My goal is to feel comfortable and content walking down the street, knowing that others see me the way I see myself.

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