WiFi Wars

WiFi Wars is one of the most innovative and distinctive shows I’ve ever seen. Comedian Steve McNeil led the proceedings, while Rob Sedgebeer co-ordinated the technological side on stage, ensuring that the whole audience could take part in video games on their smartphones. The audience is split into two teams, and we took part in a wide variety of games, including a Track and Field type activity where we had to tap our button feet as fast as possible, or impressive large-scale games of Bomberman and Doom.

McNeil was an engaging compere, skillfully whipping up enthusiasm in the up-for-it crowd, all the more impressive due to the sad scarcity of bums on seats. McNeil also discussed some of the technology involved briefly, emphasising how impressive Sedgebeer’s work is when considering that the duo do not install any programs onto the audience’s phones to take part. The core concept of the show is strong and has a rosy future ahead of it: everyone likes a fun game, and WiFi Wars had a remarkable hit rate of rollicking video game experiences. Rarely has taking part in a live show environment felt so fun and so natural.

The Old Market, 18 September 2017


Joe Fuller

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