Andy Garth looks at property auction results

Sticking to the theme of the section of the magazine you are at present perusing, it would be remiss of me to not include in my ‘Auction Results, Property’ article this week everything required to be a part of this weekly mag.
So in our auction last week we had great success with all sorts of stuff from postcards to jigsaw puzzles.
Now… as one of the auctioneers and a seller and a geek when it comes to Brighton and Hove Stuff, I do actually buy stuff from my own sales. And this sale was no exception. I had the good fortunate to buy two items that are sort of on my regular wish list. As the photos show, they are old and original sales brochures of blocks of flats and developments from around our city.
I do actually buy stuff from my own sales.
Both Park Court and Park Mansions are in Preston Park Avenue overlooking the park and date from the mid 1930s. They were originally for rent and all two bedroom units which ranged from £95-£115… wait for it… A YEAR!!!
I’m always on the lookout for more of these type so if you know of any email me at