The best of the rest: Badgers and rabbits and moles – oh my!

Who hasn’t been talking about the weather lately? If you’ve got a front porch, or even a spider plant – let alone a garden – you’ll notice our greenery hasn’t known which way to turn. Dry thunder storms, electricity in the air, humid heat, sudden downpours… this can only mean one thing – Spring! While our skies go haywire and hayfever suddenly becomes a thing again, small furry creatures come out of hiding to Chris Packham’s glee, and giant spiders suddenly turn up in the country’s baths to the rest of our collective horror.
Springwatch started last week, returning with veteran favourites, the aforementioned Packham as well as Michaela Strachan. Gillian Burke is the newby of the team, filling in the gap left by Martin Hughes-Games (really his name, not a PE master at Hogwarts despite natural logic). They’re back at the National Trust’s Sherborne Park Estate, in the heart of the Cotswolds, as well as serving up films of the countryside’s Spring awakenings from across the UK. Some may scoff, but there really is something very watchable about families of voles, sparrows and badgers welcoming their little ones into the world, struggling against the elements, and the privilege to watch this familial tenderness survive against all odds.
It’s ambitious, but why should you be anything else when you’re the Queen?
As a part of the clutter of programmes marking the 65th anniversary of Her Majesty’s coronation comes The Queen’s Green Planet, reminding us that it’s Spring all over the world. Queen Elizabeth II is looking to create something that will be a part of her lasting legacy, creating a network of national forest parks from each of the 53 Commonwealth nations, called the Queen’s Commonwealth Canopy. It’s ambitious, but why should you be anything else when you’re the Queen? This follows her family and staff as the project grows over the next few months.
For many, though, the only greenery they’ll have an interest in this week will be the pitch when England play Costa Rica on Thursday. Watch it then, or just keep your windows open while you’re enjoying your own green space, keeping score via the cheers ricocheting through the streets. It’s your call.
Springwatch; Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday; BBC2, 8pm
The Queen’s Green Planet; Tuesday; ITV1, 9pm
International Football: England v Costa Rica; Thursday; ITV1; 7.30pm