Gars Chinese Restaurant

Gars Chinese Restaurant

Lockdown is no fun, no matter how many “cheery” memes and Tik Toks I stumble upon and much as I am enjoying seeing and sharing the dishes that we are all creating, there are things that I miss, I miss them a lot!

High up on that list is the exotic food that no matter how one might try, is difficult to replicate at home. Yes, I do dabble with faux Indian dishes, wannabe Thai and mock Mexicana – some of which I can do with reasonable success. I can rustle up a reasonable stir fry too in my wok on my wok burner, yes I’m that serious about wok cooking, but there are things that I adore from the Chinese repertoire that I fear I will never master.

Feeling denied those delights I decide it was time for a take-away. Yes in over 13 weeks I have resisted the urge to order in, well actually that’s not quite true, I did succumb to a curry but it was such a disappointing experience that it put me off. I did have a very good chilled meal from Indian Summer, that certainly hit the spot and my venture into a cookery class with Chef Simon McKenzie was a hoot, a tasty hoot I might add.

But last night Chinese was in order and Gars came to the rescue with a bundle of delights. I started with grilled dumplings, a generous portion (there are a few chilled for lunch later) and they were as good as they are when dining in. The salt and pepper squid was stunning and being supplied in a waxed carton it remained crisp. It was certainly one to polish off in one very greedy sitting.

I moved on to fillet steak in a tangy sauce and god it was good, a huge amount of lean meat, tender enough to cut with a spoon and all basking in a delicious chestnut coloured sauce. And there was no padding in this dish, no bed of soggy greens to fill the carton, just a lot of great meat in great sauce, not something you can say about many take-away vendors.

With it a portion of special fried rice. Now I seldom order special fried rice because I am sure that if investigated the word “special” might come into question. There is seldom anything that special about this most ubiquitous of dishes but last night I felt that “special” was appropriate as the rice, perfectly cooked, was bejewelled with delights, I loved it.

I only eat in two Chinese restaurants in town and top of my list is Gars. I miss popping in on my own for their excellent lunch menu, I really miss meeting Mr L for a dim sum feast and I cannot wait to be able to do both again very soon. But for now I will break my take-away furlough and do this again very soon.

To order go to their website and see their lockdown take-away menu!

Operating hours are Wednesday to Saturday 4.30pm to 9pm and Sundays 3.30pm to 8.30pm. Orders must be pre-paid by phone. Place your order via email ( or phone 01273 321 321

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