Create Music & Fragrant Loudon Wainwright III

The media has been full of stories about how the arts are slowly being chipped away from school curriculum’s and in particular, music. Some of us were lucky and grew up in a time when learning to play an instrument was a normal and cost free part of school life, but today who but the comfortably well off can afford that and music making should not be a luxury but a right. Luckily here in Brighton and Hove Create Music is here. From online lessons to orchestras – Create Music’s autumn programme will be inspiring all ages this autumn. Create Music believes in the power of music to transform lives. With locations across the county offering everything from strings to samba, the programme makes music accessible to all.

Recent research from the University of Sussex’s School of Psychology shows that a musical education improves well-being, mental health and social skills. Create Music aims to inspire young people of all backgrounds to develop a passion for music, with many ways for children and young people to get involved. Create Music also runs two special inclusive weekend music groups called Orchestra 360 in Brighton and Eastbourne. Anyone interested in making music is welcome to join and parents and carers are invited to come and learn alongside their children.  To find out more go to

Staying with music a musical heroes. Loudon Wainwright III has always been up there with Leonard Cohen, Joni Mitchell, James Taylor and so many more, but it was the whimsical nature of his writing that captured so many hearts and the often heartbreaking tenderness of his lyrics too.

Brilliant still, Loudon Wainwright III is at the De la Warr Pavilion in Bexhill-on-Sea on September the 21st and no doubt on that occasion he will sing that hilarious skunk song.

Tickets can be found here,

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