Can do! My Sporting Life

Yes, I’m disabled and yes, I’m crazy about being active (not necessarily fit!).

Yes, I love challenging and pushing myself out of my comfort and safety zone.

I’ve always believed that being disabled (I walk with crutches and wear a body brace) shouldn’t be a barrier to having as full a life as I possibly can, whether that be living independently, having a career, travelling abroad or being involved in sports.

My sporting life goes as far back as my school days (and that was a very long time ago!).

From participating in school sports activities such as wheelchair hockey, wheelchair handball, wheelchair rounders to, in later life, competing at national level in the sporting passion of my life, target rifle shooting, piloting a plane (with a very brave, possibly nervous, sister as a passenger!), having a go at wheelchair basketball, paintballing, skiing, quad biking, off-roading and having a flight in a glider.

There seems to be a theme here: danger and risk. As the saying goes, no pain, no gain and I certainly took a beating in some of the activities, particularly when paintballing, wheelchair basket balling and skiing – I think my local A&E department were thinking of naming a ward after me I spent so much time there getting patched up!

I am supremely competitive when it comes to sports and this has led to some success in my target shooting life, winning medals and trophies at both club and national level.

Now, in my 50’s, I feel more mortal (and achy) than in my daredevil hay days but if anyone offers me the opportunity to fly to the moon………

By Pete Moffat

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