Indie FilmOnTV returns in October!
After a brief summer break, Indie FilmOnTV returns with an eclectic programme of shorts and animations!
Each screening is followed by an interview with the filmmakers to find out all about their experiences making their films.
The shows are available to watch on Latest TV in the Brighton area on Freeview 7 and Virgin Media 159, and to livestream anywhere in the world at
Are you a filmmaker?
Do you want your film to be screened in one of our shows?
Get in touch with Deborah!
Coming up in October:
Wednesday 4th October – 9pm
Wednesday 18th October – 9.50pm
Dead Woman’s Finger by Alex Sultoon
When pirate Jim Berry washes up on a distant beach, he meets his ultimate adversary and faces the fight of his life. Shot on Super 8.
Derek and Orla Do by Derek Murphy and Stephen Cheriton
3 short episodes from the webseries Derek & Orla Do, about a time-travelling draq queen and her companion.
Wednesday 4th October – 9.50pm
Wednesday 18th October – 9pm
Feeding Grief to Animals by Rebecca Parfitt
A grieving woman comes to terms with the loss of her baby by welcoming wild animals into her garden.
Earthing September by Morag McKinnon & Rebecca Palmer
The Earthing project is a year long collaborative exploration in response to nature and experience. Earthing September is one of a series of twelve short films, and dives into the freedom of representation, the urge to embellish, conceal, to choose our forms and to encourage emotion to rise up and be completely expressed.
Earthing Project
Wednesday 11th October – 9pm
Wednesday 25th October – 9.50pm
The Witching Hour by Craig Ford
Victor grieves the death of his father, but late at night, a mysterious entity claiming to be him plagues Victor’s mind with disturbing thoughts.

Matryochka by William Ranieri
Shot in stop motion technique with over 7000 pictures used, Matryoshka is a story within a story. A creative child mistreated by his father will preserve his imaginary world even when in his adult life he finds himself homeless.
Wednesday 11th October – 9.50pm
Wednesday 25th October – 9pm
Rave by Emily Macrander
A girl overdoses at an underground rave. Unfolding in reverse chronology, ‘Rave’ traces the events of the night back to the beginning, revealing the intertwining stories of the people involved.

Blue Widow by Vera Mark
A brief tale of seduction and consequences.