‘Through the Generations’: A Short Film

Has your family got something that has been passed down through the generations? Is there a lesson or a saying, or maybe even a recipe that you’ve learnt that sticks with you?
For me, my Nana taught me how important it is to sing, and to always try to harmonise with people – not just in music, but in life.
In many communities and cultures, passing down traditions through the generations is hugely important.
In the African and Caribbean community particularly, keeping traditions, cultural knowledge and skills alive is vital. They help people stay connected to their heritage, community and sense of identity.

Through the Generations is a short documentary featuring interviews with five people from different generations. They share some lessons and skills they’ve learnt from those older and younger than them, and chat about the challenges facing intergenerational connection today.
Join us on Latest TV, as we touch on everything from growing your own food to the unifying value of drum and bass!

Jasmine Burobey-Shenton is passionate about amplifying and archiving under-represented narratives through film, visual arts and storytelling.
This project ha been carried out as part of the Digital Streaming Technologies course at East Sussex College with Latest Group CIC and Latest TV.
Jasmine Burobey-Shenton‘s film will be screened on Latest TV in April – watch this space!