- 26 March 2019
Once again I find myself almost at a loss for words after a night at...
- 24 March 2019
‘Our Shared Musical Story’ was celebrated in great style on European Early Music Day 2019...
- 20 March 2019
With constant hacking away of arts education in schools Glyndebourne still reaches out Arecent post...
- 17 March 2019
What a splendid memorial for Don Newbold, a most generous sponsor of the BPO! He...
- 11 March 2019
A delightful mix of old and new, this programme began with Tomas Luis da Victoria’s...
- 8 March 2019
A recent post on social media reminded me how the UK Government is starving education...
- 7 March 2019
Peter James, best selling crime writer, can never resist his passion for a pyschic mystery...
- 4 March 2019
The Maestro’s magical mystery tour started with Mendelssohn taking us happily away to the Hebrides...
- 2 March 2019
A romantic Spring evening with Brighton Early Music Festival, it was almost like eavesdropping a...
- 26 February 2019
There’s always a worry when a popular TV sit-com is taken from the screen to...
- 25 February 2019
Friends may wonder what I am doing reviewing a sporty event. I must confess that...
- 11 February 2019
This concert could have been so sad, being dedicated to the loving memory of violinist...