Mama Malone

Malone finds co-parenting harmony at last

- 21 May 2013

So here I am sprawled on my six year old’s bed writing to you, surrounded...

Malone is not friends with tents

- 15 May 2013

I want to go to a festival, but I don’t want to go to a...

Malone writes a break-up letter

- 16 April 2013

Dear Winter, it’s not you, it’s me. It’s been a beautiful time we’ve spent together...

Malone wonders if she loves her child too much

- 9 April 2013

Everyone is talking about having babies, ‘40-something: last chance saloon babies’. With the clock ticking...

Malone is running out of time to find answers

- 2 April 2013

I’ve become dotty. I don’t mean polka dot bikini wearing. I mean sweetly deranged. Why...

Malone’s impressions of Kent

- 26 March 2013

The first time I discovered the Kent countryside was Trevor McDonald on the News At...

Malone wonders if she’s raising a wild child

- 19 March 2013

People often say it’s always the kids of the strictest parents, the vicars etc, that...

Malone fears a haircut means growing up

Malone fears a haircut means growing up

- 12 March 2013

I used to cut my daughter’s hair myself, bar the annual trip to Mr Snippers...

Malone considers middle class wrath

- 19 February 2013

I kid myself I’ve come a long way from growing up in Shepherd’s Bush. I...

Malone remembers the horror of her school days

- 12 February 2013

I’ve applied for my daughter’s school place for a primary school. I’ve had to consider...

Malone is kept awake at night

- 29 January 2013

I’m struggling to get up to make my child breakfast. This is not because I’ve...

Malone avoids growing up and her tax return

- 22 January 2013

It’s 9:28am and I’m lying on the sofa at home under a blanket. I’m not...