Interview: Sara Pascoe
Comedian, author, actress, singer, playwrite – Sara Pascoe is the quadruple threat. She speaks exclusively with Victoria Nangle about her new show LadsLadsLads, sisters, and Taskmaster
How are you today Sara?
I’m great thank you! I’m recovering from flu and looking forward to seeing the outside world again.
So – is LadsLadsLads the story of your own ‘Eat Drink Pray’ adventure?
Exactly, it’s like that book but with less pasta and sex on the floor, more white wine, football matches and worrying about getting murdered.
Once you’ve started an epic adventure journey like that, trying out life classes and new things, isn’t it difficult to stop?
It’s been really great for me personally, I have a much more ‘yes’ attitude and it is leading me to fresh experiences and to be a bit braver. And it’s good for material too because suddenly I find myself in places that I shouldn’t be. I think we can limit ourselves as we get older, its so easy to stay with what is familiar but we only grow when we push ourselves. That sounds too preachy. But there is life in novelty, in newness.
What thing would you still love to do, if the laws of finance, gravity, and probability were all put to one side?
I want to go to Vegas, I am gonna try and go this year. I want to see the Magic Mike show and marry a stranger.
How is your new book on masculinity coming on?
There has been a lot of research so far, but I have learned so much, so that’s the best thing about writing really.
What is the most extreme example of Mansplaining that you’ve experienced, considering your extensive research for ‘Animal’?
I don’t get much really. I don’t tend to use that word either, it is quite inflammatory and I try to keep my frustration levels down. Lots of my book is a laying out of research rather than saying ‘this thing is right’ so I welcome other opinions as part of the discussion. There is a tendency to feel attacked by people who disagree with us, and I’m trying to get better at listening without affront. Mostly when people write to me with their opinions or experience it is useful and interesting.
I want to see the Magic Mike show and marry a stranger
Your show in Brighton falls on the day before International Women’s Day. What is your favourite thing about being female?
Obviously I don’t know what it is like not to be female, but my favourite thing is having sisters. They are both younger than me, and have children now and are married and I am so proud of them and the way they live their lives. Cheryl is a teacher, which I think is the most important job in the world. And they really make me laugh too, I feel very lucky to have them.
I have thoroughly enjoyed every series of Taskmaster, but it does like to be a little brutal. Is there a task that you would like to set for Greg Davies and Alex Horne as a response to a series of their tasks?
Yeah, the whole thing of that show is that Alex is going to make you look like an idiot and Greg is going to call you an idiot. It’s horrible having to watch yourself back making terrible decisions when it seems so obvious what you should do from the studio.
The idea of Greg and Alex having to do the tasks while every contestant who came 4th or 5th gets to judge them, that is the only payback!
Years ago I caught you in the musical Gutted, and then more recently in last year’s Comic Relief singing and dancing. Would you ever perform in another musical or – and I think this would be awesome – write and perform in your own musical?
Yes yes, I would love to. Either performing or writing one, I really hope I get to do that.
What plans do you have professionally and personally for the next 12 months?
Finishing my book and then starting my tour. My radio series started on 20th February on Radio 4 too.
And off the back of LadsLadsLads… pint or yoga?
Yoga first, pint after. Life is about balance. Yoga is literally about balance.
Sara Pascoe: LadsLadsLads, Brighton Dome, Sunday Wednesday 7 March 2018, 8pm, £19/15