Tasha Dhanraj finds her social glass half empty

After a mere six weeks in the adult world of work, I’ve been given the green light to start working from home. I think my bosses must have looked at me stumbling in with dark circles under my eyes and non-straightened hair and either thought “My goodness, I can’t bare to look at her anymore. Send her away!” or “Oh goodness, this is why young people should go to university. They’re clearly not physically mature enough to wake up at 7am.”

This adds to a job that was already awesome. It is the ultimate dream for a 21st century geek. My job is to manage Twitter and Facebook for a media company. I’m being paid to do the kind of thing I do in my spare time anyway. They say never mix business with pleasure, but now those two things are EXACTLY THE SAME.

The trouble is, now I’m not leaving the house to go into the office either, I have no reason to communicate with anyone in the real world! I’ve also bought a new Sims 3 expansion pack, so when I’m not ‘working’ on social media, I’m immersing myself in a simulated world with computer generated people.

“I have no reason to communicate with anyone”

Despite the commute, I did enjoy being in an office and chatting to people there about tea and doing team building exercises, like working in pairs to replace the water cooler tank. I liked having my daily need for socialisation being dealt with at no extra effort to myself. Now I’ve got to go out of my way to see real people other than my mum and dad. Don’t get me wrong, I love my parents, but there’s only so many conversations about how often to replace tea towels that I can realistically handle.

I really do complain too much. I’m just thinking about how that actually sounds. “Yeah, it’s like my dream job and I don’t have to commute, but how annoying that now I actually have to make an effort to have a social life! Ugh!”

Fact is, everything is going my way. Exactly and completely. I don’t mean to boast, but they are. Well actually, given the fact that I just bought an iPad, maybe I do mean to boast. It isn’t interesting to read that someone’s life is going swimmingly, so I will end on a negative note… err… I accidentally broke a nail when trying to open a packet of biscuits, so I had to cut them all off so they’d be even. My life is so difficult.

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