Wave: nutritional advice

Your queries about natural health answered by Jacquie Lane from the College of Naturopathic Medicine

Dear Jacquie
Help! The party dress season is looming and I can’t fit into anything I like! Any tips on dropping a dress size in the next three weeks?
OP, Hove

Quick weight loss and fad diets are not healthy; a continuous healthy lifestyle and food plan is best.

However, if you are healthy you might be able to follow this plan for two- to three-weeks maximum. (You are advised to see your doctor before embarking on a restrictive weight loss diet.) Weight loss and dress size reduction will depend on your metabolism and your size at the start. A personalised plan from a nutritional therapist is best as this takes into account your preferences, medical history and lifestyle.

Eat on a small plate and chew food properly. Relax and reduce stress which hinders proper digestion and makes your body hang onto fat.

Two eggs, poached or boiled, with steamed spinach
100g of mackerel, kippers, smoked salmon or haddock with one poached egg
1 x 120g portion of 0% fat Greek plain yoghurt (add a pinch of cinnamon if you wish) and one boiled egg.

120g portion of either grilled meat, fish, poultry (remove any skin or fat), or prawns, low fat cottage cheese or two hard boiled eggs.
Eat with lots of salad greens, tossed in two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with one tablespoon of flax, hemp or olive oil.

120g of either Tofu, fish, chicken
or lean beef (grilled or cooked without fat) with two portions of steamed green vegetables. Drizzle a dressing of apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of good oil.

Tip: Don’t cook with oils or fat, add them raw to food afterwards especially flax oil and hemp oils.

Celery sticks, cucumber sticks, pepper sticks, green olives (12 small ones a day max) gherkins (6 small ones a day max).

Try and have five cups of green tea, limit the amount of other tea and coffee and drink two litres of water each day.

Pilates and yoga two–three times a week; walk fast for 30 minutes every day, and avoid tough cardiovascular workouts.

See your health professional for advice.

CNM open evening
If you would like to train to become a nutritional therapist, please book to attend CNM’s next open evening in Brighton.
01342 410505,

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