Mandela’s Children
This was a fantastic opportunity to see four short clips from the film ‘Mandela’s Children’, a documentary with the last official interview with Nelson Mandela forming the spine of the programme – the most remarkable thing being that the interview was conducted by his assembled grandchildren. With one of these grandchildren, filmmaker Kweku Mandela, collaborating with award-winning documentary-maker Kemal Akhtar to put together a profile of the great Nelson Mandela that will be global, personal and definitive. Both of these men were on the assembled panel, which also included Ndaba Mandela (who grew up with his grandfather), Kathi Scott (executive director of The Nelson Mandela Childrens Fund), Dame Janet Suzman (acclaimed actress, born and educated in Johannesberg), and chair director and actor David Westhead.
With an atmosphere of awe and privilege, spun around the previews of these clips from a film we were assured would not be on general release until October at the earliest, this was enchanting, educational and rare. Culminating in a recording of the assembled audience singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to the camera on stage, to be delivered for Mr Mandela’s 94th birthday in two months’ time, this was left us uplifted, nourished by the achievements of one man, and hopeful for a future made up of many.
Concert Hall, Brighton Dome, 6 May 2012
Victoria Nangle