Malone gets movers fatigue

Can you die from moving house? You can definitely get really ill. I’m sitting on my bed with a swollen face and limbs that perform movement only if really egged on. I can’t keep my eyes open for more than a few minutes but that might be the antihistamine for my swollen eyes. I’m not sure if I’m having an allergy reaction or if my eyes are so tired they are swelling out in an attempt to try to leave my body. My head is so tired, it feels ‘crunchy’. Even the birds sweet song this morning annoyed me. I’m used to seagulls barking, the sound of angelic birds tweeting (actually tweeting, not writing about what they’re eating on the internet) their sweet tweets actually bugged me. You cannot complain about angelic bird song, yet I’m managing to.

That’s how tired this house move has made me. I’m still doing up my old flat, the emptier and cleaner it looks the more I start to notice the things that are wrong with it. At least with the furniture in, I didn’t notice the scrapes in the paintwork, the dustballs in the cracks and all the children’s stickers I need to peel off the second bedroom. Why oh why did I believe the company that said the stickers would peel off ‘effortlessly’ – they do not! When peeled off eventually bare brown plaster is revealed. Another paint job, great! My dad had an Irish saying; “You can’t polish a turd.” Well, we are trying. I am probably being a bit harsh on my property, like one is about one’s looks or art etc as it’s so personal to me. It’s my only property and I’ve mainly lived there on my own since I bought it 12 years ago.

Instead of tradesmen I’ve had old boyfriends help me with DIY, it’s never had enough money poured into it to give it that quality look. It shouts bodge job. I walked into it the other day all empty of furniture and grotty pre-cleaners and I just cried and cried at the state of it, the state of my only thing of any worth. I wish I had a few thousand pounds to invest in keeping it maintained but I don’t. The managing agents sent me a letter yesterday again demanding £2,500 for external works. This money is for ‘maintaining’ the outside of the building as the railings are listed. The railings have not been looked after in many years, they are rusty and decrepit. How do people conjure up £2,500 like that? I have an odd gold earring and a HM Samuel diamond engagement ring from when I was 23 that I could pawn – that’s at least £174 sorted then. They want the £2,500 in the next 21 days. At least in my new beautiful huge flat I have space to rack my brains with worry about the other flat.

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