Police interview two men over seafront scuffle outside Labour conference in Brighton

Political blogger and publisher Iain Dale and Stuart Holmes, a regular protester at party conferences, have been interviewed by police after scuffling on Brighton seafront.

Mr Holmes moved into shot as Gordon Brown’s former spin doctor Damian McBride was being interview on the ITV programme Daybreak outside the Labour Party conference about his book Power Trip.

Mr Dale, who is Mr McBride’s publisher, tried to move Mr Holmes out of shot.

The pair ended up tussling in full view of the cameras.

Sussex Police said: “Detectives interviewed a man on Tuesday night in relation to an assault on Brighton seafront earlier in the day.

“The man voluntarily attended Brighton police station just after 8pm and was questioned about his version of events as part of the police investigation.

Detectives had earlier interviewed a protester involved. Neither man has been arrested.

Detective Sergeant Stephen French said: “A man was exercising his right to protest in a public place when this incident took place.

“A man has been interviewed in relation to an offence of common assault and is due to attend Brighton police station again on Thursday (26 September).”

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