And it’s back…Twig the Pixie’s Family Funplosion

Anyone who does stand-up comedy for kids must be a masochist. Dealing with beery late night hecklers is one thing, but even seasoned comedians would quail at going on-stage to a room of frazzled parents and sugared-up under-nines at four in the afternoon. So fair play to Twig the Pixie, who makes it look easy. His storytelling skills, top crowd work (tough to do with unpredictable little ones) and scatological silliness kept everyone engaged for a full hour. Not even Peppa Pig can do that. My own under-nine rated the experience as ‘excellent’ and is still wondering how he did the pixie voice. Plus I won a bottle of Fairy Liquid – you don’t get that at the Krater Club.

Komedia, 6 May 2016


Matt Chittock

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