Stephen K Amos: Bouquets And Brickbats

If you ever want to see someone wrangle with an ungainly audience and win – and keep everyone on side and highly entertained despite the random interruptions, you would do well to see Stephen K Amos on the night. A ‘veteran comedy pro’ earns the title not with years but with the deft skills that allow him to hold court as the king, dismissing disruptions with an edgy. benevolence.

Poor hecklers aside, Amos delivered a show with his trademark joie de vivre, mining the funny and not shying away from some of its darker seams. He kept regular scattergun laughs going at the beginning with his observations, drawing out the pace for some significant facts about Trump, racism and the world to land. And finally delving into personal loss that shared goosebumps.

A consummate professional with a rapport envied by many and punchlines that punch a point as well as a laugh, Amos is engagingly on pointe – and perfectly able to dispose of random drunken hazards any day.

Komedia, 13 November 2018


Victoria Nangle

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