On such a stormy evening this gentle concert and the accompanying imagery were particularly welcome. BREMF has given many young performers an excellent start to their careers, often with established stars, and then welcomed them back year after year. Ensemble Augelletti demonstrates this beautifully.

Ensemble Augelletti

Director Olwen Foulkes (recorders), herself a BREMF favourite, has gathered such a group: Violinists Ellen Bundy & Alice Earll, Jam Orrell (viola) and Carina Drury (cello) with Harry Buckoke (viola da gamba & double bass) and Toby Carr (theorbo). Their programme varies the size and timbre of the ensemble most attractively and Foulkes’ introductions are as charming as the music. I would have loved the rural scenes to be labelled. I might have recognised some of the Sussex venues but the steaming Scottish (?) castle baffled me.

Olwen Foulkes

This baroque banquet in the wooden cathedral acoustic of Sullington tithe barn is available on YouTube until next Saturday.

24 October 2020


Andrew Connal

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