Summer Gardening Tips from Tommy Walsh

The sun’s out and it’s the perfect excuse to get out in the garden and get started on the projects that have been put off over winter. Workforce socks are perfect for gardening; their special features make sure your feet are comfortable and protected. Groundforce gardener and Workforce ambassador Tommy Walsh knows how important it is to look after your feet outside, and together they’re giving readers hints and tips to get you started this Summer.

Tools for the job
Before you get started, make sure that you that you have the right tools for the job. There are lots of different gardening implements but the basics are:

-Hand Trowel

Keep your garden in bloom
Planning your garden is key to create year-round interest. Planting a mixture of seasonal bulbs with evergreen shrubs means there will always be something nice to look at, no matter what time of
year. There are plenty of plants to choose from with different flowering times, and, if you’re feeling extra brave, you could also plant fruit and vegetables at various points throughout the year, giving you a steady crop for your kitchen!

Look after your feet and knees
Gardening can be tiring work and involve long days on your feet so make sure you have a good pair
of Workforce socks and a comfy pair of gardening shoes to keep those blisters at bay. You may also
find yourself kneeling quite a bit, especially when planting your masterpiece, so invest in a good
quality kneeler to keep them protected.

Keep it interesting
If you’re planning on being outside a lot then you’ll want to make your garden an area you enjoy
being in. No matter what size space you have, there are lots of different ways to introduce specific
areas for a variety of purposes. You could create a decked area for socialising, a veg plot in one part, a lovely grassy area with a flowering border in another, and a nice quiet spot to relax in. Think about how you want to use your garden and make the space work for you.

Save money and spruce up!
If you’re tight for cash you can still give your garden a new lease of life just by using a couple of pots of paint. Sheds, fencing and furniture can tire after a while but by simply choosing a colour and giving them a fresh coat, you can totally transform the look of your garden.

Tommy’s Top Tips:
• Gardens generally all benefit from a bit of hard graft and preparation for the coming season.
Create raised beds from railway sleepers to grow your fruit and veg in, to save your back when tending, and to also provide extra seating around the garden.
• For a low maintenance but interesting garden I would suggest some raised beds for easy gardening, with membrane and mulch over the rest of the garden to restrict weeds. Add some large feature shrubs for effect, and groups of planted pots and some hanging baskets for colour and scent.
• When looking for garden DIY products I recommend you shop around for the best deal. Always buy the best quality you can afford, and never loan them out!

Tommy is ambassador for Workforce socks. Find out more on the website:
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