Fashion’s Victim

How time changes things. There was a time when I liked nothing more than a day out and a little retail therapy. Shopping back then was fun and I would often return home weighed down with bags and parcels. A bit like Doris Day on Madison Avenue.Screen-Shot-2016-07-05-at-15.44
Not any more, the last time I decided to shop for clothes the only thing I came home weighed down with was a heavy heart, a heavy heart created by a heavy body. Yes, you got it, I could not find clothes that I liked that would fit. Of course there were clothes that would fit, but not ones that I would want to wear.
I know that my body size is my responsibility, of course it is, but as I get older I see that I am not alone as an older man with an expanding waistline. Shame really as the clothes that I can now afford only come in sizes that will fit the young and slender.

Funnily enough there is a definite upside to this, and that is that whilst my waist gets thicker so too does my bank balance. My size has restricted my spending. Conversely, were I to restrict my diet, my finances might also become slimmer. What a dilemma!
Well there is no dilemma really, given that my work involves eating I am resigned to the bigger belly and buoyant bank balance. But more importantly, am I happy?
Right now yes, most definitely. I have a good life, good friends and plenty to keep me occupied. Do I fret about the clothes thing? Not really, I find that with a little thought I can dress in a way that I like. Bright, bold and slightly mad as a look, one I generally adhere to, seems to defy the size-ist and youth obsessed fashion and retail industries.

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