Interview: Dane Baptiste

A regular on TV comedy panel shows, master of his own sitcom with Sunny D, and acclaimed stand up Dane Baptiste talks with Victoria Nangle about being pigeon-holed, his sister, and Nando’s.
Hi, Dane how are you today?
Hi Victoria; today I’m hungover, apparently sushi and copious amounts of French Vodka aren’t a good combination. Other than that and the continued threat of Nuclear War from the American President, I’m aiight.
You’ve been touring overseas of late. Have you had to tailor your British experience observational humour at all?
Gratefully; not so much. My experiences previously meant that I’m more aware of the nuance of different countries and so I do my best to not make references to Anglo-centric. Also the influence of imperial rule means most people understand Britishness very well.
You have a very intelligent and thoughtful perspective on many issues, but you’ve also said you don’t want to be pigeon-holed as a ‘clever comedian’. Obviously everybody is a complex kaleidoscope of pigeon-holes. Which of yours do you feel is most often overlooked when your comedy is being described, and why do you think that is?
If I had to choose I’d say the surreal stuff. I always endeavour to balance the serious and the silly, but a lot of critics overlook it. I think a lot of my detractors think my intelligence stems from an ‘icarus complex’; and so typically they’ll say I’m taking on too many subjects, I however think audiences can handle the depth, and also it means your creations can be read on a number of levels.
‘G.O.D.’ feels like it has a lot more of an overview of the big ideas – Gold, oil and drugs. What latest big idea is tickling your brain at the moment?
They’re loads at the moment, but currently I’m working on a sitcom about the gig economy and interracial relationships, a podcast about the state of the world and ideas regarding romantic comedies. A lot of ideas in the foetal stages, but I’ll keep you all posted!
Now if I can get a legendary Nando’s black card, (they claim it’s a myth) life would be made
This is your third successful solo show. How do you think that success may have changed your perspective on things – politics, relationships, finance?
I think that it’s broadened my horizons across all of these things! One of the best things about comedy has been learning about the varied and nuanced experiences from my contemporaries, as well as travel the world and learning about different cultures first hand.
Can you give an example of how being recognised has affected your life in the last year?
I got a free meal from a somewhat prestigious fast food restaurant. It made me feel like I’d arrived. Now if I can get a legendary Nando’s black card, (they claim it’s a myth) life would be made. Gastronomically anyway.
You often speak about how different you and your twin sister are – what do you think each of you would take away if you had to live each others’ lives for 24 hours?
I’ll be honest, I don’t know if I’d make it. But really if I was my sister for a day I feel like a lot of time would be spent apologising to me.
Will there be any more sees or episodes of Sunny D in the pipeline?
I’m hoping so; currently the show is on hiatus, but if we can get a movement for people that want it to contact the Beeb, I’m sure it could happen.
In an ideal world, what would the major events of 2018 be for you?
A friend of mine, whom is very much into astrology said that Saturn’s influence will reveal truths whether people like it or not. And I think that there’s a lot of global ignorance and apathy that can’t continue, so I’m looking forward to it. Also it’s the Age Of Aquarius, and we are seeing that sexual abuse in the industry won’t be tolerated anymore and I hope that the trend of weeding out abusers in all industries and walks of life continues. Also me being recognised as one of the best comedians of my generation. That would be nice, and stop my mum talking about Grandkids.
Dane Baptiste: G.O.D. (Gold. Oil. Drugs.), Komedia, Thursday 12 April, 8pm, £12