

Tiff Stevenson: Bombshell

- 15 April 2018

Straight-talking feminist comic Tiff Stevenson balanced comedy with crucial political insight. Her contentious confrontation of...

The Producers

- 11 April 2018

There are moments at the start of a show when you heart sinks and tonight...

Cloudbusting – 40 Years of Kate Bush

- 6 April 2018

It’s hard to believe that it was 40 years ago that Kate Bush announced herself...

Ockham’s Razor: Tipping Point

- 6 April 2018

The acclaimed circus-theatre troupe Ockham’s Razor’s latest show was an intriguing blend of traditional circus...


- 4 April 2018

Marking the 30th anniversary of the Miner’s Strike in Britain, Gary Clarke’s contemporary dance piece...

A Flea in Her Ear – ACT Brighton

- 4 April 2018

There’s an enduring quality in George Feydeau’s 1907 farce that John Mortimer updated brilliantly in...

Thoroughly Modern Millie

Thoroughly Modern Millie

- 4 April 2018

Step into the roaring 20s with Millie, a small-town girl wanting to make a life...

Simon Munnery: Renegade Plumber

- 4 April 2018

Many people would think that a comedy show revolving around a haphazard explanation of the...

A Normal Family, by Henry Normal & Angela Pell

- 2 April 2018

Subheaded “Everyday adventures with our autistic son”, A Normal Family straight away nestles into your...


Enter The Dragons

- 28 March 2018

Like an hour-long Rocky Horror Show for middle-aged women, Enter The Dragons was celebration and...

Great Expectations

- 28 March 2018

Nichola McAuliffe stars as the wonderfully gothic Miss Haversham and she really is splendid for...

Rae Morris

- 28 March 2018

Rae Morris is an explosive scoop of sparkly, vanilla electro-pop. If you haven’t heard of...